- Cotton Rallying on Wednesday Morning
- Cotton prices are showing 112 to 127 point higher action on Wednesday morning. Futures were up 21 to 54 points so far across the front months on Tuesday. The dollar index was up 122 points on the day, with crude oil futures back down $2.39/barrel. Crop Progress data from NASS...
- Hogs Marginally Mixed on Tuesday
- Lean hog futures closed with contracts within 25 cents of unchanged on Tuesday. The national average base hog price was reported at $78.34 on Tuesday afternoon, down 14 cents from the previous day. The CME Lean Hog Index was $85.74 on September 6, down 50 cents from the day prior....
- Wheat Nudging Higher at Midweek
- The wheat complex is kicking off Wednesday morning with slight gains in the three makets. Wheat was a bright spot for the grain bulls on Tuesday with gains across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures were up 2 ¾ to 7 cents. KC HRW was 5 to 8 1/4 cents...
- Soybeans Rebounding to Start Wednesday Trade
- Soybeans are trading back higher to begin Wednesday, with gains of 7 to 9 cents, Beans posted Turnaround Tuesday losses of 14 ½ to 22 ½ cents across the board, with the brunt of the pressure felt in the front months. Products weren’t helping matters, with Soymeal futures down $4.20...
- Corn Bouncing on Wednesday AM
- Corn prices are trading 1 to 3 cents higher so far on Wednesday morning. Futures ended the Tuesday session with weakness. Contracts closed out the day with losses of anywhere form 1 ¼ to 4 ¾ cents across the board, led by the nearbys. There were another 62 deliveries issued...
- Cattle Mixed at Tuesday’s Close
- Live cattle ended the Tuesday session with front months down 87 to 60 cents and back months up 27 to 52 cents. Cash trade has yet to kick off this week. It was slow last week, with the South kicking things off at $181, down $2 on the week. Northern...
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